What We Believe

We believe that God has given us good news in Jesus Christ.

  • The good news is that Jesus is God's Son, entering our world, sharing our nature, in order to become our Saviour and Lord

  • The good news is that Jesus' life of obedience, his death on the cross and his resurrection bring us forgiveness and new life

  • The good news calls us to trust in Christ, to receive peace with God and in the power of God's Spirit to turn from our sinfulness and to live for him

We believe that, through Christ, God can be known as our heavenly Father and that through the Holy Spirit we may trust, love and worship him.

  • Our Christian faith is empowered by his presence - through the Holy Spirit

  • Our Christian lives are lived in his family - the church

  • Our Christian worship involves praising him - as Father, Son and Holy Spirit

We believe that, through the Bible, God teaches us what to believe about him and how to live for him.

  • In our church life and in our personal lives we submit to the authority of the Bible

  • In our church gatherings we place an emphasis on teaching from the Bible

  • In our church family we encourage personal and corporate Bible study

We believe that the world's greatest need is to hear and respond to this good news. That is why we want to encourage others:

  • To believe in Christ as Saviour and Lord

  • To experience the power of the Holy Spirit

  • To know God as Father

  • To discover God's will in the pages of the Bible

  • To take part in the life of his family, the church

  • To bring the good news to the whole world


The best way to find out more about what we believe is to come and join us at one of our Sunday services.


Our Church and Presbytery hold the Westminster Confession of Faith as our subordinate standard, believing that it provides a trustworthy framework for what the Bible teaches.


Click the image for more information about the Didasko Presbytery to which we belong.