A Burden for the Lost

A question to ponder: what is the most significant factor influencing my eagerness to evangelise? To put the same question another way, what is the corollary to my stepping out in boldness and steering a conversation towards Jesus or issuing an invitation to church?

As I sat down to write and asked myself that question I anticipated some lengthy analysis and deep thought… but the answer was obvious and almost immediate! Prayer.

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WitnessPaul Brennan
Any Given Sunday

What if the best, most effective, evangelistic event we could come up with is actually right under our noses?!

As it turns out, the best, most effective, evangelistic event is one that we are currently running 104 times a year. We do it twice, every week. It’s our Sunday services.

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With the Concerted Attack on Kate Forbes, Scotland has Become ‘The Land of the Beast’

They worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?” (Revelation 13:5)

The concerted attack on Kate Forbes from the media, the ‘twittering class’, political opponents and her own party reveals this has to do not with mere politics but with the darkness of our nation in its hastening rejection of all that is good, holy and true. The land of the Book has become the land of the Beast and hard days lie ahead for all who will stand with, and for, the Lord Jesus Christ.

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How To Pray For Unbelieving Family Members

One of the greatest concerns—and heartaches—for many Christians is with the members of their families who have not come to faith in Christ, or who perhaps have abandoned the faith they grew up with. Many, many of us are burdened in our prayers for such loved-ones, and sometimes it is hard to know how and what to pray.

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William PhilipPrayer
Escaping the Burden of Prayer

Some time ago, I listened to a sermon on a parable Jesus told his followers with the express purpose of encouraging them “always to pray and not lose heart” (Luke 18:1). Alas, as the dear brother went on, waxing eloquent in exhorting us to pray more—for hours on end, for half the night, or indeed the whole night—I very quickly lost heart! And I rather fear most of the hearers that day went home dragging their feet, feeling more burdened than ever about their own inadequate prayer life.

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William PhilipPrayer