Tron Music


It is our aim that we will all be built up and strengthened in faith as we sing the truths of God's Word together as The Tron Church. In order that "the word of Christ [may] dwell in [us] richly" (Col. 3:16), we sing "psalms and hymns and spiritual songs" which are rooted in Scripture and help us to rightly respond to that Word. Our desire is to have these truths ringing in the ears and sounding forth from the mouths of everyone who comes amongst us, that our praise would resound in wholehearted thanksgiving to God.

Our minister, William Philip, has written some hymns which we regularly sing together as a congregation. Please find below lyrics and recordings of these hymns.


Hallelujah, Praise the Name!

God of Creation

As a Deer Pants for Water

Standing on Promises

Our Father God

Word Eternal

Communion Hymn - In the Bread, In the Wine

See, He Dies

With Wings as Eagles

O God of Our Fathers

When Your Dwelling Is Secure

In Counsels of Eternity

For God Alone

We’ll All Follow Jesus Together


Listen to all of the hymn recordings as an album here: