English Class & International Bible Discussion


Free English Classes

Free English classes on Monday evenings

If you are looking to improve your English and make new friends you should join our free English class!

We focus on improving our spoken English while having fun.

The last English Class of the year will be on Monday 9 December at 7pm

The class will be in person at 7pm at Tron Central, 25 Bath St, G2 1HW, not on Zoom. You do not need to register for the class.

Please join our Facebook and Instagram pages to know about upcoming events and socials.

Please note: The class is suitable for intermediate English speakers, not beginners.

For more information, contact katie.piggot@tron.church



如果您想练习您的英语,或者想要认识些新朋友,那不如来参加我们所举办的英文班?每周一傍晚7点,我们在Tron Central (25 Bath Street) 举办我们的免费英文班。如果有兴趣的话,我们很欢迎您来参加。不需要之前登记,当天来参加就行了!


International Meal and Bible Study

International Meal & Bible Study

Thursday nights at The Tron

We would love to help you find a home here in Glasgow. As a church family in the city centre we run a range of social and cultural events to help you settle in and meet local people. Most importantly, we organise simple English Bible studies for anyone interested in learning what the Bible teaches about the good news of Jesus Christ.

We have Bible studies for anyone wanting to know more about Christianity and other studies for those already believers, but are seeking to grow in maturity. We meet every week during term time at 6:45pm at 25 Bath Street


如果您是一位国际学生,或者是一位在格拉斯哥的国际工人,我们很热情的邀请您来参与我们的圣经研究班。每周四,6.45pm,我们都会一起在Tron Central (25 Bath Street) 聚会,分享晚餐,然后一起打开圣经,来研究上帝的话语。无论您是否是基督徒,我们都欢迎您来参与。


Meeting at Tron Central | 25 Bath Street